Gorleston Beach
  •  gorleston Beach | 
  • These events occurrred in the years 2004/5

Questions Regarding the Gorleston Reefs.

These questions and these answers were put to G.Y.B.C. Officers, G.Y.B. Councillors and Tony Wright M.P. over the period that Coastal Protection was being discussed.

Answer 1.)

This is the theory!.

Gorleston Reef

The reef is placed in the sea just off the beach just below the present low waterline. The landward side of the reef is then infilled with sand taken from Great Yarmouth Beach. This will have the effect of lengthening the beach. The expectation is that during winter storms the reef will absorb the main thrust from the sea taking energy out of the waves. The longer run up the beach will take even more energy out of the waves, before they hit the sea wall. The reef has a life expectancy of 100+ years.

The result being the present sea wall will not need repairing for at least 50 years which is guaranteed by Halcrow Consultancy.
N.B. This has to be guaranteed as a DEFRA criteria for any scheme is that it must have a life of at least fifty years.

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Answer 2.)

Bernard, I have a few questions regarding the Reefs at Gorleston which I hope you can answer.

Reply: (Tues 12th / Thurs 14th Oct 2004)
A quick answer to your questions. The final design has not been completed yet but the following is what is being considered at the moment.

I hope that this will be of some help.
Bernard Harris (GYBS Engineer)

Q) How far from the present sea wall will the reefs be placed.
A) 75 to 100m

Q) Will the reefs be made out of solid pieces of rock all of the same shape laid side by side or will it be a larger number of rocks piled up to make the reefs.
A) Single layer of irregular shaped rock.

Q) What will be the overall size of the individual sections of the reef (length, breadth, height).
A) 75m long, 25m wide and one rock high (15T)

Q) How long will the reef be in total and what is the gap between the individual reefs.
A) Each reef is 75m long there will be 8 reefs with a 75m gap between each.

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Answer 3.)

Although it is their responsibility to do so, Great Yarmouth Borough Council have made no financial provision for repairs to the Gorleston Sea Wall. They are now in the position whereby they have to consider inappropriate solutions to get money from any Government Agency that might come to the rescue.

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Answer 4.)

Q) There are concerns about the effectiveness of 'cardinal' marking (a flag at each end of the reefs) of the reefs and on the need to determine how best to protect the sea wall. There is a need to build a safe scheme to allow sand to accumulate in front of the sea wall?
A) This concern was accepted and the issue of marking the reefs is indeed important. Trinity House have been approached for advice and would be approached again at detailed design for advice on marking. In addition discussion with local sailors and water users would continue.

Q) Will the reefs have the effect on current to those swimming in this area ?
A) There will be fill-in behind the reefs with sand, although there would be some minor currents as result of the installation of the reefs.

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Answer 8.)

Q) What is the scientific basis of the predicted asset (land) loss on the Gorleston Seafront. There has been no erosion on the unprotected cliff in the area of the Gorleston Golf Club for at least 20 years. The detail in reports stating that there is an annual erosion rate of 2.4 metres per year may not be correct?
A) Every Government study shows a predicted rise in sea level and that climatic change is happening. Beach profile works at Gorleston takes place twice a year by the Environment Agency. Predicted erosion rates are estimated based on surrounding cliffs in Norfolk/Suffolk and are based on the assumption that the do nothing approach is adopted as a baseline in the economic assessment.

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Answer 6.)

Q) How long before work needs to be carried out on the sea wall? (ie steel failing)
A) No accurate answer is available although a survey carried out on the steel sleet piling and the concrete wall for the Engineers report identified certain areas that need work before others, some within five years.

Q) Why has so little money been spent on the sea wall.
A) Circa £300,000 in repairs and maintenance has been carried out on sea defences in the Borough over recent years.

Q) How much from the Repairs and Maintenance Budget was spent on the sea wall last year.
A) Minimal resources have been spent on the sea wall recently because of the pending scheme.

Ed. slight inconsistency in the last two answers.

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Answer 7.)

Q) What effect will the Outer Harbour have on this scheme?
A)Modelling work had taken place with regard to the effect of the Outer Harbour and it was agreed that there would be some (unspecified) effect as a result of the Outer Harbour scheme. A monitoring agreement was already in place with East Port.

Q) Does the Council agree that the Outer Harbour will make Gorleston Beach disappear and it is essential for work to be carried out to the sea wall before any works are carried out in respect of the Outer Harbour?
A) Ongoing maintenance is planned for the wall but East Port would take responsibility for rectification works as a result of any adverse effects caused by the Outer Harbour.

Q) What happens if East Port go into liquidation?
A) In the unlikely event this were to happen, Government have previously taken ports under their management.

Ed. ..... Speechless !!!!! and we think for good reason

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Answer 8.)

Q) to Councillor Bertie Collins (4th Nov 2004)
Bertie, I have been told by Halcrow that they will not answer my questions as they have been requested by the client GYBC not to answer residents questions. Who is the person responsible for gagging Halcrow and why? I was under the impression that the Council Tax payers of Great Yarmouth were paying Halcrow unless the councillors have had a whip round to pay them.
(name and address supplied)

A)Councillor Bertie Collins has still not responded to this questions despite follow up e-mails. (8th Apr 2005)

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Answer 9.)

A) Halcrow were not commissioned to look at the effects of the Scroby Sands Wind Farm.

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