Gorleston Beach
  •  gorleston Beach | 
  • These events occurrred in the years 2004/5

Follow up to Library Meeting Sep 2004

Below is the follow up letter sent out by John Hemsworth relating to the Library Meeting.

Environment and Health
Maltings House
Wed 8th Dec 2004

Dear Resident

I last wrote to you on the 1st October 2004 following the meeting on the 29 September 2004 at Gorleston Library. Over tha past few days I have received a number of calls asking what has happened since the meeting and I thought that since there has been an ever extending delay I would write and advise you all.

As promised copies of the Consultants' full report were delivered to the six people identified at the meeting who volunteered to meet with the Council and its Technical Advisors. The display in the Town Hall proved problematical because of space and the size of the display boards. To my knowledge we actually only had one enquiry to see the display and that person didn't follow up their request.

As is often the case, with many conflicting demands and previous arrangements of the Council' Consultants and Officers, it has been difficult to set a date for the meeting with the "Residents Group". I believe a date mid to late January 2005 is looking very promising.

As explained in my previous letter the proposals remain in draft form, they have not been considered by the Council's Executive and they will not be submitted to DEFRA until after the technical discussions have taken place and a further public meeting held. Following the technical meeting we will produce a report which will reflect what comes out of the meeting as agreed by those attending. Indeed those attending will all see the report and be able to amend it ot have their comments attached as appropriate - it is my intention to send out the technical meeting notes with the invitation to the public meeting which I predict will take place late February early March 2005.

Yours sincerely

John Hemsworth

Head of Environment and Health

Reply to above letter from Gorleston Beach.

Fri 7th Jan 2005

Dear Mr Hemsworth,

I am writing in response to your letter dated 8th December 2004 regarding Coastal Protection - Gorleston Promenade.

I take issue with your assertion that the request to have the display boards in the Town Hall was not followed up as I and my wife did just that on numerous occasions. You stated that this exhibition was to go up in the Town Hall at the meeting of 29th September, in your letter dated 14th October and in my e-mail correspondence with you and Bernard Harris. It appears that I was naive in believing you. Would you now send me details of all the exhibitions that have been put up in the Town Hall that were obviously more important. Incidentally, Bernard Harris promised me that he would send me details of all the proposals listed on the display boards. However, he like you has failed to keep his promise.

I have a number of other questions to put to you;

  1. Who told Halcrow not to respond to enquiries from the public about the Reef?
  2. In order for questions of a more technical nature to be put forward would it not be advisable to allow these questions to be submitted prior to the meeting so that a more informed response can be given by Halcrow when the next meeting takes place?
  3. Why cannot the next meeting be advertised on the GYBC website? In fact why is more use not made of the website to inform the public of various issues?

Yours sincerely,

Gorleston Beach


Reply to above letter from Bernard Harris GYBS.

Engineering Services Manager
GYB Services Ltd
Great Yarmouth

Dear Sir

Thank you for your letter of 7th January 2005 regarding the above. Please accept my apologies for the exhibition boards being unavailable at the Town Hall, this was in part due to the space available for such a large display.

I have asked the Consultants to produce the display material in an A4 or A3 size and will arrange for a copy of this to be sent to you.

With reference to your questions:

  1. Halcrow are employed as the Council's consultants and work under instruction from Great Yarmouth Borough Council through whom all inquiries should be directed.
  2. We have requested and would welcome, any technical questions about this or any other scheme for Gorleston prior to the next meeting.
  3. A meeting has been set up between the Council's technical officers, Halcrow and the "technical representatives" from those who attended the public meeting in September 2004 at Gorleston Library. Following the outcome of the meeting and any subsequent meetings, a further public meeting will be arranged and will be publicized. I am hopeful that this will include the Council's website.

Should you have any further queries relating to the above please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Bernard Harris